Come on, find out what are the indicators of work productivity and how to measure them

In any job, high productivity is absolutely a benchmark for the success of an employee. Depending on the company policy, the indicators of work productivity vary in detail but most likely refer to three main elements.

May 11, 2023 - 23:58
May 12, 2023 - 18:20
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Come on, find out what are the indicators of work productivity and how to measure them

On the surface, productivity means how much and what quality of work we produce in a certain period of time. For employees, this will be a sign that we are effective employees at work.

Work Productivity Indicators

Keep in mind that indicators of work productivity must be related to the type of work and the level of the employee. For example, assessing the level of productivity of a doctor and a mechanic in a workshop is of course different. Likewise, it is not wise to compare the work productivity of novice accountants with their seniors.

However, there are three important indicators that must be included as a benchmark in compiling work productivity indicators. Here are the 3 criteria:

Working quantity

The easiest indicator to check is the quantity of work or the amount of work completed in a certain time. Then, these results are compared with the standards of the company itself.

Quality of work

The company will set work quality standards that are the basis for each employee to achieve them according to their role and position. To achieve good quality work, employees must continue to hone their technical competence. For many companies, quantity alone is sometimes not enough. Quality also affects the evaluation of employees later.


Punctuality in work is the implementation of the general slogan of being effective and efficient. Every employee is required to improve the level of productivity starting from the timeliness of work given by their respective superiors. If he is able to complete a certain job within the allotted time then he can switch to doing another. This is where, high productivity can be achieved.

How to calculate work productivity

According to Dictio, there are two techniques for measuring work productivity.

Physical productivity

Physical productivity refers to calculating productivity quantitatively. Companies can use various units of measurement, ranging from size, length, number of units, weight, time and number of Human Resources (HR).

Value productivity

Unlike the first, in value productivity, the company will convert productivity levels into money, in this case Rupiah.

By measuring productivity, companies can find out the level of productivity of their employees . For superiors or managers, productivity level data is useful for launching programs to further improve their performance.

Example of a formula for calculating work productivity

As taken from the Smart Sheet, output/input houses are a simple example of calculating work productivity. Here's an illustration:

First month: Company A has 150 kilograms of plastic raw materials. With this amount, the company managed to produce 120 kilograms of finished products.

Second month: The same company (company A) uses 150 kilograms of plastic raw materials. However, of this amount, this company can actually produce more finished products, namely 145 kilograms.

The following is a technique for calculating the productivity of the first and second months of the company:

First month:

  1. Productivity= Output/Input
  2. Productivity= 120/150
  3. Productivity= 0.8 or 80%
  4. Second month
  5. Productivity= Output/Input
  6. Productivity= 145/150
  7. Productivity = 0.96 or 96.67%

The calculation results above show that the productivity level of company A increased from 80% to 96.67%.

The high or low level of employee productivity depends on several elements. Here are some of them:

Competency level

The main factor is the skill level of the employees themselves. This applies whether he received formal or informal education. Proficiency levels can always be honed and improved. Therefore, the existence of training, additional education to work visits can help increase the level of technical proficiency of an employee.

Relations between employees and their superiors

The second factor is more emotional in nature which is very influential on employee productivity. Workers who are involved by superiors in decision making and are given training will be triggered to work better.

Mutual respect and mutual support between employees and leaders will result in better productivity. This has a bigger and higher impact than previously imagined.

Productivity management

The role of other companies is no less important in providing motivation to increase employee productivity. Productivity management itself refers to efficient management of work resources and systems.

For employees, giving incentives in the form of salary and welfare benefits is an example of managing resources to increase employee productivity in the future.

Those are indicators of work productivity along with examples of calculation formulas and factors that affect the level of productivity of an employee. Hope it is useful.

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