Recognize What is Work Demotivation and How to Overcome It

Demotivation is a feeling where as human beings, we feel tired, lose enthusiasm, and even give up on doing something or work. Usually, this happens because we feel we cannot do something optimally, be it work or tasks that are our responsibility.

May 11, 2023 - 23:42
May 12, 2023 - 18:21
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Recognize What is Work Demotivation and How to Overcome It

Demotivation is caused by fatigue, both physically and mentally, and emotionally due to excessive stress. When stress hits continuously for a long time, then you will feel that you have lost your motivation and enthusiasm in doing something or work.

However, not a few people who experience demotivation still have the desire to complete the work assigned, it's just that the person doesn't have the enthusiasm to do it. Of course that would be detrimental to himself and the people involved in the work.

Types of Demotivation

This demotivating condition can occur in several areas of life such as in offices, schools, campuses, and others. For that, you need to recognize several types of demotivation to then know how to overcome it. The types of demotivation are as follows.

Worker Demotivation

Employee demotivation is a condition in which a worker becomes unenthusiastic when in the work environment. This condition can arise from several factors, for example related to work or may be caused by conflicts or incompatibilities with colleagues or superiors.

Social Demotivation

Social demotivation is a type of demotivation that appears when in a community environment. Social demotivation is caused by an unpleasant experience when someone interacts with a social environment and assumes that the social environment does not provide benefits.

School Demotivation

School demotivation is a condition in which a person becomes unenthusiastic when in a school environment. This school motivation is usually caused by the pressure that a person experiences while in the school environment when completing assignments and questions given by teachers and lecturers.

How to Overcome Work Demotivation

Even though it is worrying because it can interfere with the work process, this demotivation can be overcome. The following are some ways to overcome work demotivation.

Understand the Causes of Your Work Demotivation

Work motivation arises for a reason. Consciously or not, you are actually experiencing a conflict between yourself and the environment at work and the demands in it.

Try to take time to reflect on how you are feeling in this moment. Understand more deeply, what actually has made you experience work demotivation. However, some of the most common demotivating triggers include:

  1. Fear of moving forward.
  2. Fatigue piled up.
  3. Setting inappropriate goals.
  4. Conflicts related to personal values.
  5. There is no freedom in making decisions.
  6. There is no clarity as to what you really want.
  7. There is no challenge at all.
  8. Lonely because you continue to work alone.
  9. Negative emotions, self-doubt, and a lack of trust in others, or often feeling lost.

Setting Clear Goals

Set realistic career goals that you can break down into simple steps. For example, if you feel demotivated because you don't feel like you're getting a new challenge, you can set your main goal as a project where you can become a team leader. Break down the big goal into smaller steps. You can first discuss with colleagues, then draft a project, and submit it to your supervisor. Do one at a time so you focus.

Interact With Close People

Work will be able to take up your time, so you don't have time and opportunity to chat with the people closest to you. Thus, loneliness will develop into stress and trigger work demotivation. Unconsciously, if work productivity decreases and work results are not optimal, because of this demotivation. Try to re-interact with friends, family, or those closest to you. Call them, or take the time to meet and do fun activities. Don't be surprised by the amount of enthusiasm that comes after doing the activities above.

Rest To Maintain Health

Do you often spend extra time doing overtime? There's nothing wrong with working overtime. But just try once in a while. But try to count back how many days you spend working overtime in one week. Give pause for your body to rest for a while. Get enough sleep in a day, and make sure your sleep is also quality. Adequate sleep will help your body and mind to recover, so your spirits will increase again.

Avoid Negative Things That Exist In The Work Environment

Work motivation can also be triggered by negative things around you. Not only can it reduce motivation and enthusiasm at work, but these negative things can also affect the way you think about work. Avoid unnecessary conflict and negative talk related to work. So the way is to stay away from behaviors that can create a bad impression, such as lying, absent from work, being absent without explanation, and so on.

Don't Be Afraid To Make Mistakes

Often, fear is the cause of someone experiencing work demotivation. Therefore, fighting the fear of making a mistake is natural when you work. It's actually better, than you never try at all. Remember that challenges and obstacles are a part of life and you have to get through them.

Maintain Balance Between Work And Life

Make clear boundaries between work and your own time. As soon as you finish working, immediately turn off the laptop and store it in a different place from the bedroom, so you can focus on resting. Avoid the habit of opening emails when spending time with family, friends or partners. Especially on holidays where it is a moment to rest. Make your holiday quality, so you can be excited again the next day.

Consider Looking for Another Job

Problems that can be demotivating are often long-rooted, making them difficult to overcome. If all the methods you have tried cannot overcome your demotivation, then you can consider looking for another job. It should be remembered that resigning is a big decision. Make sure you have thought it through carefully before deciding to resign.

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