What is marketing 4.0 and why does your company need to bet on it?

May 9, 2023 - 21:50
May 11, 2023 - 01:39
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What is marketing 4.0 and why does your company need to bet on it?

Have you heard of Marketing 4.0? If not, know that your business is at great risk of falling behind competitors and losing competitiveness in the market! Knowing this concept and knowing how to apply it is essential if you want to be seen and found by your potential customers.

Currently, new companies emerge, leaving competition increasingly fierce. In addition, people's habits have changed a lot because of technology and the internet, mainly.

In this way, those who do not use these factors in favor of the company are doomed to oblivion and, consequently, to failure. To avoid this, continue reading the article and learn more about marketing 4.0 and see how to apply it in your company!


Before we get into marketing 4.0, which is the one that says we must take marketing from the traditional medium to the digital one , it is essential to keep in mind that this was not always the case.

That is, marketing 4.0 did not come out of nowhere. In fact, it is an evolution of marketing that has occurred over time. Understand now a little about marketing 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0.


Marketing 1.0 is old and was born at the time of the Industrial Revolution, a period marked by mass production and standardization of products. The aim of marketing at that time was to focus on the product. That is, it was practically enough to have the product to have campaigns and advertisements to sell it to people.

At that time, competition was still not strong and the consumer market was in its infancy. It is worth remembering that before, everything was done in an artisanal and unique way. With the Industrial Revolution, these products began to be manufactured industrially and at lower prices. In short, the focus of Marketing 1.0 was the product. Soon, marketing was only concerned with selling it.


Marketing 2.0 emerged in the Information Age, a period marked by the evolution of the means of communication, such as television. At that time, people could already compare products and define which one was the best. Therefore, it can be said that the focus of marketing 2.0 was to obtain consumer preference.

At that time, consumers were already a little more demanding and competition between companies was already strong. Thus, companies had to build a brand and differentiate their products from others available on the market.


Marketing 3.0 emerged based on values. Here, consumers are no longer seen as mere people who consume, but are seen as people with values, purposes and goals in life. That is, marketing 3.0 focuses on the consumer and is based on values.

In this evolution of marketing, companies came to understand that people have desires and needs and that, with each purchase they make, they want to satisfy these desires.

Therefore, the focus is to make the brand more human, with values ​​close to its consumers and with a focus on sustainability. After that, marketing 4.0 emerged, which is an evolution of 3.0. Understand more in the next topic.


Marketing 4.0 is marked by greater integration between marketing channels, use of the internet for research, consumption of digital content ( content marketing ) and use of channels such as social networks.

Think of it as a deepening of Marketing 3.0, but even more customer-centric and using technology.

Thus, it understands that people are more demanding and do a lot of research before buying a product. In addition, you know that they use the internet and before buying, they want to learn about the company, product or service they want. The company also needs to deliver value first to gain consumers' trust, something characteristic of this new era of marketing.


As mentioned, marketing 3.0 is consumer-centric, and marketing 4.0 is an evolution that takes this idea to the digital environment.

People are on the internet and it is essential that you have a strong presence in this medium to be able to stand out and get ahead of your competitors. But then, how to apply the concepts of marketing 4.0 in practice? Check out the tips below!


To be seen, you need to have a strong presence on the internet. Therefore, it is essential to have profiles and be active on social media, especially the one your persona (ideal client) uses.

Be approachable. A company that is easy to contact is very pleasing to consumers. Therefore, try to communicate in different ways, mainly through messaging applications such as WhatsApp .


As much as people like brands and certain companies, they like talking to people. Therefore, when communicating, know how to talk to people, solve problems and listen to what they say. Show that behind your company there is a real person like consumers to generate connection.

This is not difficult to do. Even a personalized email, introducing yourself as a contributor to your company and sending the email by speaking directly to the person can be good for connecting.


The internet has empowered people to spread their opinions to others on the internet. Also, it's important to remember that word of mouth is still the most powerful form of marketing, and it can make or break your business. Therefore, show yourself to be an accessible and helpful company that cares about customers and knows how to solve their problems.

That's because when a consumer is treated well, he comments with others. On the other hand, when you have a negative experience, this dissatisfaction can be propagated on social networks and damage your reputation. Therefore, knowing how to be helpful, listening to the consumer and knowing how to deal with these problems must be one of your company's priorities.


Content marketing is the king of marketing 4.0 and the key for companies to be found, stand out from the competition and win people over.

Therefore, having a blog and betting on constantly delivering quality and specialized content to your customers is practically mandatory if you want to get their attention, show that you are a reliable company, make them become customers and also, retain their loyalty. them.

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